Vaccination status of nursing and medical students against measles and associated factors
Imunização, Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde, Vacina contra Sarampo, Cobertura Vacinal, Estudos transversaisResumo
Objective: To analyze the vaccination situation of nursing and medical students against measles and associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and quantitative study, carried out with nursing and medical students in a municipality in the semi-arid region of Piauí, through an electronic questionnaire and verification of the vaccination card. For association between variables, Pearson's Chi-Square was used and, for frequencies less than five, the likelihood test, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) and 95% Confidence Interval. Results: 223 students participated, with a prevalence of the nursing course (87.0%), female (74.4%), brown (53.8%), single (91.9%), Catholic (55.6%) and with a median age of 22 years. 54.7% had a vaccination card, which showed vaccination coverage of 41.7%, access to the vaccine of 49.3% and abandonment rate of the vaccination schedule of 15.6%. There was a significant association between being vaccinated, being in the nursing course (p=0.000; OR=25.255) and being single (p=0.025; OR=3.913). Conclusion: The students had vaccination coverage much lower than recommended, low access to the vaccine and a high rate of abandonment of the vaccination schedule, implying the need for educational institutions to carry out an evaluation of the students' vaccination card and subsequent immunization interventions ...
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