The use of ELMO helmets for the treatment of patients with COVID-19: experience report


  • Adriano da Costa Belarmino
  • Cleiton Machado Pinho
  • Maria Eunice Nogueira Galeno Rodrigues
  • Alisson Salatiek Ferreira de Freitas
  • Larissa Alves Cunha
  • Antonio Rodrigues Ferreira Júnior



Nursing Care, Patient Care Team, Interdisciplinary Placement, COVID-19


Objective: to describe nurses' experience with the use of the ELMO helmet for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Methods: experience report in an emergency care unit located in a metropolitan city of Ceará, Brazil, in the period from March 15 to June 22, 2021. Content Analysis was used for organization and analysis through references in the area. Results: the potentialities of care during the ELMO helmet use were observed, such as a decrease in indications for orotracheal intubation, improvement in respiratory distress, and decrease in morbidity, but also weaknesses such as diminished patient-healthcare professional communication, need for careful evaluation of the time of use and patient response, risk of psychological instability, and risk of broncho-aspiration; moreover, health teams collaborative aspects such as increased intra-team communication, effective interaction, and greater decision-making were registered. Conclusion: important results in treating COVID-19 can result from the use of this tool; however, there is a need for strict monitoring in order to avoid major respiratory complications as well as physical and psychological sequelae from the wearing of ELMO.


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Como Citar

Belarmino A da C, Pinho CM, Rodrigues MENG, Freitas ASF de, Cunha LA, Ferreira Júnior AR. The use of ELMO helmets for the treatment of patients with COVID-19: experience report. Rev Enferm UFPI [Internet]. 21º de dezembro de 2023 [citado 2º de outubro de 2024];12(1). Disponível em:



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