The Black Woman in Brazil: Aesthetics as Against Racism and Sexism from the Conception of Lélia Gonzalez



  • Francisco Anderson de Castro Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Palloma Valéria Macedo de Miranda Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
  • Fábio Abreu dos Passos Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI



Feminism. Racism. Sexism. Racial democracy. Aesthetics. Epistemicide. Philosophy.


This study aims to discourse succinctly and critically on the main challenges faced by black people, specially women, in Brazilian society. Also, this study aims to analyze, from the conception of feminism, the issues that envolves racism, sexism, racial democracy, aesthetics of racism, and how all of this are used as excuses to justify the epistemicide of black female intellectuality, in which these challenges are inherited from oppression of colonialism imposed on the Brazilian territory. In the perspective, we will also dissected about several categories oppressions, and how they relate to the Brazilian cultural political scenario and how do these oppressions specific to the bodies off black women, who suffer a constant process of epistemicide and extreme sexualization. Finally this work kas a theoretical support in the studies of Lélia Gonzales, who perceives in the criation of a female black beauty space, where their voices can be heard and their philosophy can be praised.In addition, the text also contains a complementary theoretical support in Bell Hooks, Djamila Ribeiro and Sueli Carneiro.


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How to Cite

de Castro, F. A. ., Macedo de Miranda, P. V., & Abreu dos Passos , F. (2023). The Black Woman in Brazil: Aesthetics as Against Racism and Sexism from the Conception of Lélia Gonzalez: ESTÉTICA COMO AGRAVADORA DO RACISMO E SEXISMO A PARTIR DA CONCEPÇÃO DE LÉLIA GONZALEZ. Cadernos Do PET Filosofia, 14(27), 198–220.



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