Sexual education in health: ways to empower women who have sex with women


  • Alisson Rener Araújo Dantas
  • Anna Kalyne César Grangeiro Adriano
  • Jonathan Pereira de Sousa
  • Isabela Lunara Alves Barbalho
  • Petra Kelly Rabelo de Sousa Fernandes
  • Marcelo Costa Fernandes



Sexual and Gender Minorities, Sexual Health, Health Education, Nursing


Objective: To understand how health education on sexual health can contribute to the empowerment of women who have sex with women. Methods: This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, mediated by action research. It corresponds to the intervention stage, which was based on the situational diagnosis, the focus of another article. Results: Three educational actions were carried out with the study participants, with the aim of transforming the reality experienced by these women in terms of the obstacles encountered in promoting sexual health. Each intervention focused on problems found in the situational diagnosis, based on semi-structured interviews with seven university students. Conclusion: The promotion of sexual health education expands the role of women who have sex with women through the construction of knowledge, enabling them to be less susceptible to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).


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Como Citar

Dantas ARA, Adriano AKCG, Sousa JP de, Barbalho ILA, Fernandes PKR de S, Fernandes MC. Sexual education in health: ways to empower women who have sex with women. Rev Enferm UFPI [Internet]. 25º de janeiro de 2024 [citado 2º de outubro de 2024];13(1). Disponível em:




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