Characteristics of self-medication assessment instruments in Brazil: an integrative review


  • Márcio Adriano Fernandes Barreto
  • Francisca Diana da Silva Negreiros
  • Virna Ribeiro Feitosa Cestari
  • Clécio André Alves da Silva Maia
  • Helena Alves de Carvalho Sampaio
  • Thereza Maria Magalhães Moreira



Brazil, Self Medication, Psychometrics, Validation Study


Objective: To describe the characteristics of self-medication assessment instruments with evidence of validity in Brazil. Methods: An integrative review, without temporal delimitation, with collection in the LILACS, Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE and Web of Science databases. Ten studies related to five instruments were included. Results: The most convergent domains were sociodemographic aspects, self-medication practice, reasons, medications used and recommendation/sources. Self-medication was assessed by only one instrument with evidence of validity, but it was multidimensional, making its application difficult. The instruments showed good reliability indices, however, of the five, one did not measure reliability. The good psychometric properties of the self-medication and temporomandibular pain instrument stand out (Kappa: 0.810, Cronbach’s alpha: 0.844). Conclusion: The different instruments analyzed present limitations in evidence of validity, showing the need to develop an instrument focused on self-medication that is reliable and valid.


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Como Citar

Barreto MAF, Negreiros FD da S, Cestari VRF, Maia CAA da S, Sampaio HA de C, Moreira TMM. Characteristics of self-medication assessment instruments in Brazil: an integrative review. Rev Enferm UFPI [Internet]. 5º de abril de 2024 [citado 2º de outubro de 2024];13(1). Disponível em:




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