Perspectives of being a female informal caregiver of children with disabilities


  • Isabella Joyce Silva de Almeida Carvalho
  • Inácia Sátiro Xavier de França
  • Francisco Stélio de Sousa
  • Francisca Márcia Pereira Linhares
  • Ana Luisa Brandão de Carvalho Lira
  • Alexsandro Silva Coura



Caregivers, Disabled Children, Qualitative Research


Objective: To know the perspective of being a female informal caregiver of children with disabilities. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study. The participants were female informal caregivers of children with disabilities. Data collection took place through four virtual focus groups, via the Google Meet platform. The analysis was carried out by means of Thematic Content Analysis. The criterion for categorization was semantic. The categories that emerged were named in the light of the relevant scientific literature. Results: Three categories emerged after analyzing the focus groups, namely: Category 1 - Peers as support network; Category 2 - The spirituality experience; and Category 3 - Concerns about social and legal aspects. Conclusion: The perspective of being a female informal caregiver of children with disabilities involves a negative and positive aspect. Negative, in the sense that there is dissatisfaction through the judgments imputed by society in relation to them and the legal framework that governs their rights. Positive, through the support network comprised by other mothers of children with disabilities and the spirituality experience in the care context, making the care routine smoother.


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How to Cite

Carvalho IJS de A, França ISX de, Sousa FS de, Linhares FMP, Lira ALB de C, Coura AS. Perspectives of being a female informal caregiver of children with disabilities. Rev Enferm UFPI [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];12(1). Available from:

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