Ciência; Mundo; Mundanidade; Filosofia; OntologiaAbstract
This article discusses the limits of the modern conception of Science arising from the fracture established between scientific and philosophical knowledge. For a long time, Sciences remained apart from ontological reflections due to the presumed abyss between Science and Philosophy. At this core, the work begins by describing the problem of knowledge in Modernity to demonstrate its ontological impertinence through the adoption of the phenomenological framework mobilized by Martin Heidegger. Modern Sciences, because they are based on the Cartesian scientific model and worldview, read reality as external data, so that the experience inherent to the world experience was not considered. We then start from the interpretation that the primary cause of this negligence lies in the path of gnosiological reduction of ontology. For Sciences to contemplate human experience, it is essential to uncover its inescapable ontological foundation. Philosophical thinking, along this path, plays a fundamental role in the (re)construction of Sciences, as it seeks the causes and principles of knowledge of reality. For this purpose, the topic of worldliness of the world was chosen, according to Heidegger's reading, capable of being discussed through the necessary foray into ontology. The phenomenological opening of the sphere of experience, contained in the notion of worldliness as it presupposes the understanding of the surrounding world, makes it possible to resize the way of conceiving Sciences.
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