Poetic thinking in Heidegger: experience of passivity
Poetize, Trought, Language, Topology of BeingAbstract
Heidegger's critique of metaphysics is well-known, resulting of the conception the end of philosophy. For the author, thought announces itself poetically, through the pen of poets who sensed and felt what should be thought. This new era of Being, in the future, would be in preparation, and it is towards this task that his post-turn thinking is directed, on the confluent path of Poetry and Philosophy. In this article, we revisit a rare text in the Heideggerian bibliography, composed in verse and aphorism in 1947, "On the Experience of Thinking" ("Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens"), seeking to reflect on how the understanding of experience present in this text is linked to the focus on poetize and poets present in many Heideggerian texts in the following years, suggesting that thought (as a to poetize and to philosophy) evokes a radical experience in relation to Metaphysics: passivity, as waiting and listening in a topology of Being.
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