A linguagem e o silêncio no "Tratactus" de Wittgenstein


  • Diana Patrícia Ferreira de Santana


Wittgenstein, Language, Silence, Tractatus


our goal is to analyze the role of silence in “Tractatus” from the seventh aphorism. The Tractarian silence exposes the limits of what we can speak when we analyze the world closed in the space of logical possibilities, but it suggests more than that. There are multiple silences and this silence that make us mute will be our first clue to understand their other types of meaning. Based on a free version of Quentin Skinner’s linguistic contextualism we seek to link text and context in order to achieve a better understanding of Wittgensteins´s life and work. When Wittgenstein exposes misundestandings of language, he does so from the analysis of propositions seeking its meaning in very specific contexts and noting whether it is suitable or absurd according to well-defined criteria.


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