Uma análise institucionalista de três intérpretes brasileiros sobre a influência portuguesa na formação do Brasil


  • Tales Rabelo Freitas
  • Denilson Alencastro



Sense of Colonization, Patrimonialism, State, Institutionalism, instincts


This work aims to analyze the Portuguese influence in the formation of Brazil from the lens of the institutionalist Veblenian theory, more specifically, through the theoretical contribution developed by the thesis of Freitas (2019). From this theoretical perspective, the work of three Brazilian interpreters is analyzed, looking for elements that corroborate the idea that the colonial experience generated important influences for the outbreak of predatory motivations (instincts), influencing, in turn, the institutional formation of the country and its trajectory of economic development, based on inequality and technological backwardness. The essence of each interpreter makes clear the feeling that, in Brazil, the economic motivations of society go in the direction of privileging habits of predation, such as the accumulation of wealth, the restriction of opportunities to subordinate classes, the use of the State apparatus for privilege of the landowning elite and the unlimited use of property as an instrument of power.


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