Inovações tecnológicas e inclusão no setor financeiro brasileiro
Technological Innovation, Financial Inclusion, BrazilAbstract
Technological innovation can transform not only the market structure and the competitive level of companies. It also causes behavioral, socioeconomic, and systemic changes. The expansion of mobile telephony in Brazil, for example, helped to increase the efficiency of the financial system and reduce financial exclusion. The “mobile network” created a new economic environment, generating investment opportunities for small entrepreneurs and making credit and insurance viable for excluded populations and participation in social programs. The new economic environment generated incentives for technological development, the emergence and interconnections between new actors, and the complexification of the entrepreneurial/innovative ecosystem. The financial system has become more efficient. New actors and technologies have reduced costs and streamlined interaction with customers, sharply modifying operating costs and the way the sector operates. The article approaches in a panoramic way the successful strategy of technological investments in the financial sector to take advantage of the diffusion of cellular devices in the daily life of Brazilians..
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