Teoria e prática no ensino da história local: oficinas didáticas sobre a História do Piauí
History Teaching. Local History.Teacher Training. Piauí. São Raimundo NonatoAbstract
The current text discusses the contributions of the mandatory supervised training and the pedagogical practice in the training of the future history teacher/researcher from the articulation with the theoretical-methodological perspectives of local history. The work is the result of the experience of a project developed with the students of the eighth block of the Licentiate in History course at the State University of Piauí, in São Raimundo Nonato, while they were attending the Mandatory Supervised Training III and the Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Practice VIII components. The experience emphasizes the elaboration and application of didactic workshops, taught remotely, on the histories of Piauí and the municipality of São Raimundo Nonato in close dialogue with the use of digital communication and information technologies.
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