Experiência e docência: inquietudes sobre a formação em tempos de clicativismo
digital, Experiências, Formação docenteAbstract
The article resumes the discussions about teacher reflection and the experiences experienced in liquid times (where clickativis and mercantilization are present) understanding them as significant and powerful knowledge for their learning from alternation (alter-ego). Thus, thinking about the impacts that digital tools have engendered in the daily life of schools when they come across the active and hyperactive senses that digital produces and its latent effects is necessary, because attention to academic knowledge seems to have been lost to the detriment of the potentialities offered by networks. Thus, looking at the teacher and his spectrum of action (which includes elements of mental, emotional, relational health, and others), is quick to exercise, because, it says about the time of thinking, a dwell on the productive conceptual understanding between man and the machine.
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