Escolas bíblicas dominicais presbiterianas de Teresina e suas práticas educativas para a cidadania (1936-2019)




História da Educação, Igreja Presbiteriana, Piauí


In Brazilian Protestant Churches, on Sundays, classes are held in their Sunday Schools. Therefore, we sought to develop research on the main educational practices carried out in the Presbyterian Sunday Schools of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, from 1936 to 2019. For the purposes of this article, historical research was developed, whose research problem is: Are the educational practices of the Sunday Schools in Teresina capable of forming the individual for the exercise of citizenship? The general objective was chosen: to present the educational practices for citizenship developed in the Presbyterian Sunday Schools of Teresina. As specific objectives, we sought to: map the main teaching materials used in the mediation of these educational practices; to identify the main educational practices developed in these Schools and to analyze the importance of the education provided in these Schools for the exercise of citizenship. Among the justifications, the need to history the little-known educational practices of the Presbyterian Sunday Schools stands out. As methodological procedures, historical research of a documentary and bibliographic nature was adopted, having oral history as a method of investigation, having as theoretical reference authors from the New Cultural History, such as Burke (2011), Le Goff (2013), Alberti (2013) and Thompson (1992). Likewise, the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Ginzburg (1989) were used, regarding the evidentiary method.


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How to Cite

LIMA, Jamylle Torres Viana Vieira de Alencar Leite; FERRO, Maria do Amparo Borges. Escolas bíblicas dominicais presbiterianas de Teresina e suas práticas educativas para a cidadania (1936-2019). CAMINHOS DA EDUCAÇÃO diálogos culturas e diversidades, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 01–13, 2023. DOI: 10.26694/caedu.v5i1.2945. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

