A ergonomia e o trabalho docente
Ergonomics; Labor Conditions of the Teacher; Covid-19.Abstract
The impact of remote teaching for the health of the teacher is the objective of this study. The following question is defined as research problem: how the ergonomics evaluates the home office teaching practice for the health of the teacher during the social distance period due Covid-19 pandemic? Thus, the mainly aim of this article is to analyze the impact of remote teaching for the health of the teacher under the light of Regulatory Norm 17 (NR-17) of the Ministry of Labor. To attain such objective, it adopts descriptive and exploratory bibliographical research, based on the qualitative approach. To ground the study, it dialogues with some authors, such Bacich, Tanzi Neto and Trevisani (2015), Hodges et al. (2020), Láuar et al. (2010), Monteiro and Souza (2020), Tostes et al. (2018), among others, as also uses official documents to legally substantiate the theme. As result, it was verified that this teaching method allows to ergonomically analyze the labor environment of the teachers, demonstrating the real labor conditions of these professionals generated by Covid-19 Pandemic, which contributed for the development of physical, cognitive and organizational illnesses, compromising the quality of life and the dignity of the teacher.
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