
  • Israel Simplicio Torres a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:31:"Universidade Federal do Piauí ";}




Schopenhauer. T.S. Eliot. Estética. Poesia. Tragédia.


The purpose of this essay is to tackle the concerns brought up by Schopenhauer in his aesthetics and demonstrate a necessary relationship between human activity and the work of art, as well as how the latter might reframe and "rescue" man from his suffering condition, at least for some time. In this regard, we will start with his examination of the concept of the Idea, which was inspired by Plato's mold as a depiction of the Essence – or the Will -, and how the knowledge through art is the only way to attain it. From now on, poetry, particularly in tragic forms, represents the greatest degree of knowledge, being capable of lifting man to the "Idea of humanity," as he refers to it, for reflecting more clearly the impetus of the Will, the foundation of the world. In this way, we will explore the tragic poem of T.S Eliot, The Hollow Men, through a Schopenhauerian lens to determine how he achieves the concept of humanity, in a symbiotic relationship between ethics and aesthetics, philosophy and poetry; the knowledge of mankind to take care of the self.


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How to Cite

Simplicio Torres, I. (2022). O AUTOCUIDADO SOB UM ENFOQUE TRÁGICO:: ENTRE O PESSIMISMO SCHOPENHAUERIANO E "OS HOMENS OCOS" DE T.S. ELIOT. Cadernos Do PET Filosofia, 13(25), 69–95. https://doi.org/10.26694/cadpetfilo.v13i25.2922

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