The Performance evaluation in the Public Service: an analysis of the perception of the Employees of the District of Nacarôa


  • Agostinho Armando



Keywords: Performance Evaluation. Public function. Perception. Objectivity. Skills.


Abstract: This article aims to analyze the perceptions of officials from the District of Nacarôa, Province of Nampula, Mozambique in relation to performance evaluation in the public service. Performance evaluation in the civil service is used to measure the level of commitment of both employees and the institution, depending on the plans, objectives and goals set. In terms of approach, it is a qualitative research, as for technical procedures it is exploratory and how much nature is applied. In effect, the study argues that performance evaluation in the public service cannot be seen as just a punitive measure, but also as one that seeks greater understanding between the evaluator and the evaluated, results aimed at improving individual and group performance, the contribution to motivating the managers of institutions at all levels and employees, improving communication, influencing employees to develop their skills, the strategy of retaining assets in the civil service. The study also concludes that performance evaluation is an indispensable tool for the improvement of employees' activities, thus improving the work context and providing better results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.


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