Keywords: Inclusive Education; Penedo Municipal Education Plan; Disabled students; Public school; Educational Integration.Abstract
The present study analyzes the process of educational inclusion of students with disabilities in Penedo-AL, present in the goals and strategies included in the Municipal Education Plan, Law Nº 1.537/2015, approved in 2015 with validity until 2025. who research the theme of inclusive education, like Mantoan and Guijarro, as well as documents such as the Declaration of Salamanca and the Brazilian Law of Inclusion of people with disabilities. As a theoretical-methodological aspect, qualitative research and document analysis of the Municipal Education Plan were used, based on the Laws of Guidelines and Bases for National Education, the National Education Plan and the State Education Plan. Based on theoretical studies and analysis of documents, we sought to answer: does inclusive education outlined in the Municipal Education Plan Penedo-AL guarantee the reduction of educational inequalities of students with disabilities? As a result, it was observed that among the 20 goals established in the municipal plan, it is in goal 4 that the educational rights of people with disabilities are established. It can be considered that although such strategies guarantee several benefits to students with disabilities, in the municipality there are no records proving that these benefits are implemented in practice.
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