Paulo Freire and his philosophical anthropology in decolonial key


  • Ofélia Maria Marcondes Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP)



Paulo Freire, Philosophical Anthropology, Human being, Decoloniality


This work presents a panorama of Paulo Freire's philosophical anthropology from a decolonial analysis, aligning what the philosopher understands about who the human being from some of his works is, reflecting on his philosophical anthropology in decolonial key. The work demonstrates that although Freire is not chronologically linked to decolonial epistemology, his idea of human being and the world subverts the Eurocentric view of these philosophical categories. The objective of this work lies in the sphere of understanding if Freire undertakes efforts in an attempt to unveil the logic of coloniality present in his investigation and his analysis of the human being or not. Studying the philosopher's thinking, it is possible to put his perspective on unveiling the reality and the strength of ideology in the constitution of the human being, due to this, the relations of oppression. Freire, in his writings, gives voice to the oppressed people and subverts colonial concepts of human being and world. Finally, pursuing the above objective, it was possible to delimit Freire's answer to the question “who is the human being”: the human being is unfinished, inconclusive and seeking the finish; It is being of the praxis: of reflected action, work and transformation of the world; It is being of decision and dialogue; It is being historical and (re) creator of culture. These characteristics that make up the idea of human being in Freire have been explained throughout the text and justify the study in decolonial key, as Freire deconstructs the Eurocentric perspective of human being as an object of analysis and as a finished being.

Author Biography

Ofélia Maria Marcondes, Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP)

Filósofa e pedagoga com doutorado e mestrado em Filosofia da Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP com estudos e pesquisas sobre filosofia na América Latina e epistemologia decolonial. Especialista em Orientação Educacional. Bacharel em Filosofia pela USP e licenciada em Pedagogia pela UMC. Estágio pós-doutoral concluído na área de Filosofia da Educação com ênfase em Filosofia Latino-americana. Professora do Instituto Federal de Educação de São Paulo - IFSP - Câmpus Registro. Pesquisadora e líder do grupo Mandacaru: educação e filosofia (IFSP) e membra do Grupefe: Grupo de Pesquisas em Filosofia da Educação (UNINOVE). Editora da Revista Cactácea.


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How to Cite

MARIA MARCONDES, Ofélia. Paulo Freire and his philosophical anthropology in decolonial key. PENSANDO - REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 34, p. 104–115, 2024. DOI: 10.26694/pensando.vol15i34.5545. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

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