Ensino Superior , Planejamento Estratégico, Gestão de ConhecimentosAbstract
This article presents a study of strategic planning systems: SWOT analysis, Balanced Scorecard and knowledge management as facilitating devices for managers who manage a Higher Education Institution. The objective is to analyze the systems used by managers in their HEIs, as a device for strategic planning. The research was based on a qualitative study, with a questionnaire being applied to 100 managers of Higher Education Institutions in Brazil (Colleges, Universities Centers and Universities), with closed and open questions. The research contains 10 descriptors; however, in this article we will present an analysis of 02 descriptors, namely: What devices or systems are used for strategic planning in your HEI; and, the use of knowledge management as a facilitating tool in management. We will analyze some narratives of these managers in a qualitative way, since when they answered the questionnaire; they descriptively positioned themselves on the closed questions. Here, we will use some excerpts that approach the theme discussed here. Data collection took place from August/2017 to March/2018. The study subjects were managers of private Higher Education Institutions, namely: deans, directors, pro-deans, institutional attorneys and course coordinators. The data presented will be analyzed from the narratives of the investigated subjects and discussed in the light of the literature. It is concluded that SWOT, analysis, balanced scorecard ad knowledge management are systems that for decision-making in the daily lives of their institution.
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