Escola Pública, Formação docente, Formação Contínua de ProfessoresAbstract
This article undertakes a critical-reflexive analysis on the teaching identity, the motivational factor and the construction of the autonomy of the English teacher in a public school based on the reports of the students-teachers from the course Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu Residência Docente para Formação de Educadores da Educação Básica do Centro Pedagógico da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Starting from the hypothesis that autonomous and motivated teachers contribute more significantly to the student education process equally imbued with motivation and autonomy in the process of teaching and learning the English language. Thus, based on the reports of these teachers, educators from Rede Municipal de Belo Horizonte, we seek to recognize elements that take a significant and relevant look on the identity, motivation and autonomy of teachers before moments of continuing education and teaching practice. These elements were collected from the memorialistic reflection on the formative path, the planning and elaboration of Projeto de Ação and the observation of the challenging trajectory of developing the profile of teacher-researcher in the field of Teaching English for children and adolescents in public schools.
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