Didática da flauta transversal no ensino superior a partir de estratégias metacognitivas: um estudo exploratório
Metaconição, Flauta transversal, Didática Instrumental, Ensino SuperiorAbstract
These research presents the results of an undergraduate final work of the Music Course - Undergraduate degree from the Federal University of Ceará - Sobral Campus (UFC - Sobral) which aimed to verify the possibility of metacognition development in beginner students of transverse flute. This research is connected to the integrated research project "Metacognition and Music Band: Strategies Applied to the Teaching of Wind Instruments" from the Research Group in Music Education "PesquisaMus". Using a pedagogical intervention strategy that stimulates the development of metacognition entitled "Strategy in three phases" (Garcia; Dubé, 2012), it was possible to observe that the beginning students of transverse flute of the optional discipline Complementary Instrument I, of the Music Course - Licenciatura of UFC - Sobral, despite having developed the expected skills in instrumental practice in only eight hours of course, did not demonstrate the development of metacognitive skills.
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