Modalidades de educação: um diálogo com Maria da Glória Gohn, a partir da perspectiva da educação informal
Modalidades da Educação, Maria da Glória Gohn, Educação Informal, Festas Populares, Encontro de Bois de OlindaAbstract
Since the 1990s, researcher Maria da Glória Gohn has been dedicated to developing studies on Education, which she systematizes into three modalities: Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education, focusing her efforts, above all, on Non-Formal Education. In the research that I develop in the doctorate, I seek to build a concept/methodology, which I have provisionally called Pedagogy of the Party, in order to think about popular festivals, in the context of Informal Education, as a field of education studies. Thus, the question in this text is: would the constitutive elements of the categorization elaborated by the author be adequate to systematize knowledge based on Informal Education? In this sense, the writing of this article aims to develop a reflection on the modalities of education - from the perspective of Informal Education, dialoguing with the production of the main Brazilian scholar on the subject. The document was prepared using as a methodology the analysis of the researcher's bibliographic production in chronological order of the publication of her texts in the last two decades. It starts from the oldest to the most recent, in order to be able to glimpse, in addition to its delimitation of educational modalities, the process of elaboration and deepening of its production over time. As a result, the proposal presented, when starting its reflection from another point of view, even if still in its initial contacts, suggests the displacement of some of the author's propositions, at the same time that it experiences the displacement of the conception of its own argument, in search for a greater correlation [and understanding] between the modalities of education, especially Informal Education and popular festivals.
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