Diálogos culturais

a urbe florianense e as contribuições dos árabes desde o comércio à arquitetura local



Floriano, Piauí, Arabs, Syrians, Lebanese


This article explores cultural exchanges and experiences of social contributions from the Arabs people - Syrians and Lebaneses - towards the Floriano county’s population in Piauí. The Arabic presence in town is markedly a differential as culturally as in terms of county’s economy, but also with significant interference in the local landscape through the architectural complex they left as a local urban legacy. This is an appellant theme in thesis and monographs that well focus on culture as well on economy, but they rarely lay emphasis on local landscape changes. This article produces an analysis of assay materials through bibliographic survey of narrative review type that looks the theme of Arab immigration to Brazil in order to tell the journey of this leakage till their arrival in Floriano county.

