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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1,5 spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


REPIS does not require adherence to a specific layout for manuscript analysis. We adopt the "do it your way" method. However, for initial submission, the manuscript must follow the format of a standard scientific article and include all necessary files for review. If the article is revised or accepted for publication, authors will be responsible for formatting it according to the specific requirements of the journal, including standards for references, tables, figures, among others.

Study Registration
REPIS supports the clinical study registration policies of the WHO and ICMJE, recognizing the importance of public registration for data transparency. For the publication of clinical study articles, registration is mandatory and should be mentioned in the "Methods" section. Randomized studies should follow CONSORT guidelines, including a flow diagram, and systematic reviews should adhere to the PRISMA protocol. Observational studies are also encouraged to register on appropriate platforms.

Document Preparation: Manuscript and Text Structure
» Page Layout
For manuscript submission, authors should prepare two separate documents: 1) Identification Page; and 2) Main Document
1. Title Page (Model 1)
Should include the following elements:
• Title of the work in bold and uppercase, concise and informative, containing a maximum of 15 words, in the original language. Do not use: acronyms and institutional, geographic, regional, national, or international elements. Present only the elements of the object of study or descriptors.
• For each author, full name, active ORCID ID, institutional affiliation, city, state, and country are required. Also, provide the full name, institutional and email address of the corresponding author.
• The journal does not limit the number of authors; however, when this quantity exceeds six (06), it must be justified according to authorship criteria. The editor may accept or reject the justification for the number of authors. If no consensus is reached, the manuscript may be rejected. The number and order of authorship cannot be changed after manuscript acceptance.
• Manuscript origin, indicating whether it was extracted from a thesis, dissertation, course completion work, or research project. It is important to include the title of the work, the affiliated program, and the year of presentation.
• Acknowledgments should be mentioned for institutions that enabled the research and/or individuals who contributed to the study but did not meet the criteria to be co-authors.
• Authorship contribution should follow ICMJE criteria, involving conception and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, active participation in result discussion, article writing or relevant critical review of intellectual content, review and final approval of the version to be published, and agreement with the truthfulness and integrity of the manuscript information.
• Funding information, mentioning the names of public or private institutions that provided financial support, technical assistance, or other aid.
• Conflicts of interest should be reported, if any, for all authors.
• REPIS acknowledges that authorship confers credit and responsibility for the published work, following ICMJE recommendations. All authors should specify their contributions to the manuscript, and the corresponding author should ensure data accuracy. Contributions that do not meet authorship criteria should be listed in acknowledgments, along with funding agencies. Manuscripts previously published on preprint servers should maintain the same authors as per established criteria.

2. Main Document (Model 2)

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the editorial guidelines of the journal, written in the official spelling, following the formatting below:

Text: on A4 paper (dimensions: 21 x 29.7 cm)
Page Margins: Customized with 2.0 cm on each side
Font: REPIS adopts Trebuchet MS font size 11 points throughout the text.
Spacing: 1.5 cm throughout the manuscript, including references and titles of figures and tables.
Language: The journal accepts manuscripts in three languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish. The same language should be maintained throughout the text.
Page Limit: Each text category has its size limit: - Original Articles: limited to 6500 words, from title to conclusion (excluding references); - Short communication/Brief report: limited to 300 words, from title to conclusion (excluding references); - Review Study: limited to 8000 words, from title to conclusion (excluding references).
Text Side Margins/Indentation: 1.25 cm. (Except for table titles and references)


Title only in the manuscript language
Structured abstract only in the manuscript language.
Descriptors only in the manuscript language

NOTE: The manuscript must be submitted in the original language of the first author. In the case of the manuscript being written in English and the authors being Brazilian, it is necessary to also submit the Portuguese version for evaluation of the translation quality by the journal's editorial board.

Abstract: The abstract should be presented on the first page, only in the manuscript language, with a maximum limit of 250 words. It should be structured as follows, beginning and sequencing the text with lowercase letters preceded by the terms: Introduction: Should address the issue and contain the objectives or hypotheses. Design: Materials and methods used to achieve the objectives and reach conclusions; Results: Main results. Always highlight the originality. Implications: What is the impact on what is already known? What are the implications for clinical practice or public policies? Items not allowed in the abstract: acronyms and author citations.

Keywords: Below the abstract, include three to six keywords in the original language. To determine them, consult the list of Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) for Portuguese and Spanish abstracts. And the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from the Index Medicus, for English abstracts.

Presentation of Sections: The text should be organized without progressive numbering for titles and subtitles, differentiated by font size.

Illustrations: Tables, charts, and figures should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals, in the order they are cited in the text, limited to a total of five. Configured in the same font as the text, with single spacing between lines, bold only in the header, uppercase only in the initials of the variable, except for tables and charts, all other illustrations should be designated as figures.


They should present numerical data as central information;
Informative, concise, and clear title, containing "what", "from whom", city, state abbreviation, country, year of data collection, followed by a period. Next, inform the sample size studied in parentheses preceded by the letter n.
Example: Table 1 - Distribution of women victims of domestic violence, by age, race, marital status, and education level. Salvador, BA, Brazil, 2014. (n=209)
Data should be correctly separated by rows and columns so that each data is in a cell;
They must have internal lines only below and above the header and at the bottom. They should be open on the sides.
Not allowed: line breaks using the Enter key, indentations using the Tab key, spaces to separate data, underlining, Microsoft® Office Word markers, and colors in cells;
Avoid extensive tables, longer than one page;
Short tables should be converted into text;
Explanatory notes should be placed in the footer of the table, using symbols in the sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡.
Captions should be located below the bottom line of the table, restricted to the minimum necessary, without bold, presenting the term in uppercase separated from the description by a colon (e.g., MCV: mean corpuscular volume). Between captions, semicolons should be used, and the font should be Trebuchet MS, size 10.
The statistical test used should be mentioned in the caption;
The title of the results should not be placed in the body of the table but in the header in the form of %, n, mean, median, p-value, among others;
Source citation should be placed in the table footer, below the caption (if any) or below the bottom line of the table. Example: Source: DATASUS12

Chart: should present information in a discursive form, containing:

  • Informative, concise, and clear title expressing the content and located at the top of the table;
    Differ from tables mainly by containing textual data, they are closed on the sides and contain internal lines;
    Avoid extensive tables, longer than one page;
    When the table is not authored by oneself, the source must be cited in the footer. The caption, if any, follows the same format described for tables and should be located before the source of the table, on a different line.

Figures: should not repeat data represented in texts or tables. In addition to being inserted in the text, they must be submitted separately and in quality necessary for publication. If they are extracted from another source, published or not, authors must submit permission, in writing, for their use. They must contain captions, when necessary, and sources, whenever extracted from published works, which must be included in the references.

  • Informative, concise, and clear title expressing the content and located at the bottom;
    They must be fully legible, sharp, and self-explanatory;
  • Several graphs in one figure will only be accepted if the joint presentation is indispensable for interpreting the figure.
  • They must have high resolution (minimum of 300 dpi)
  • They can be in black and white or color;
    Photos of people must be edited to prevent identification;
  • If the photo is copyrighted, it must be accompanied by a letter of authorization for publication.

In-text Citations

Indirect citations: the citations will be identified in the text by their respective superscript numbers, without the author and year identification, as advocated by the Vancouver style. Parentheses are not necessary. The number should be placed after the period, without space between the last letter and the number (see example)*. Attention: Sequential numbers should be separated by a hyphen; while random numbers, by a comma.

*Example: (1). Hospital infection considerably increases hospitalization time.1

*Example: (2). Hospital infection increases costs related to hospitalization.1-4

*Example: (3). Hospital infection increases costs related to hospitalization.1,2,5

Direct quotations (textual transcription): should be presented in the body of the text in up to three lines, in quotation marks (without italics), and corresponding reference as follows: 13:4 (author and page); with more than three lines, use a 3 cm indentation, font size 11 (without quotation marks and italics), following the author and date indication.

Testimonials: quotes from qualitative research should be in italics, in the body of the text, identifying the authorship in parentheses and respecting anonymity. The authorship identification should be without italics. Example: [...] involving academics and professionals more in social projects, getting to know the community's problems better (e7).


Number of references: There is no maximum number of references; they should be up to date, preferably from the last 5 years, as appropriate. It is preferable not to present references from monographs, dissertations, and theses; it is preferable to present articles derived from these works. The presentation of references from international journals is mandatory; at least 50% is indicated.

Style: They should be written according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - Vancouver Style:

Examples of references:

# Journal Articles with Up to 6 Authors

Article Authors. Article Title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Publication Date; Volume (Issue): Page Range. Available from: URL

Souza KGS, Silva RAR, Silva ITS, Bonfada D, Farias TRO, Silva FFA. Ergonomic risks and the work activity of nurses in a public hospital. J Nurs UFPE on line [Internet]. 2012 Jan [cited 2013 Dec 12]; 6(1):97-103. Available from:

# Journal Articles with More than 6 Authors

First six authors, followed by et al. Article Title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Publication Date; Volume (Issue): Page Range. Available from: URL

Herman-Giddens M, Steffes J, Dowshen S, Hussey M, Harris D, Wasserman R, et al. Age of onset of selected pubertal characteristics: Cross-sectional data from non-hispanic white boys. Pediatric Academic Societies [Internet]. 2010 May [cited 2014 Nov 17];1(4):35-49. Available from:

# Organization(s) as Author(s)

Organization. Article Title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Publication Date; Volume (Issue): Page Range. Available from: URL

Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensão. I Diretriz Brasileira de Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Síndrome Metabólica. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2005; 84 (supl. 1):544-52.

# Books

Book Author(s). Book Title. Edition. City of Publication: Publisher; Publication Year.

Ribeiro MS. Enfermagem e trabalho: Fundamentos para a atenção à saúde dos trabalhadores. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Martinari; 2008.

# Book Chapter

Book Author(s). Book Title. Edition. City of Publication: Publisher; Publication Year.

Fantauzzi GS, Aarão BFC. O Advento do Crack no Contexto Político Brasileiro. In: Sapori LF, Medeiros R, editors. Crack: um desafio social. Belo Horizonte: Editora PUC Minas; 2010. p. 220-245

# Thesis, Dissertation, and Course Completion Work

Author(s). Title of the Work [type of document]. City of Publication: Publisher; Year of Defense.

Valle ARMC. Competências do enfermeiro para ações preventivas na atenção domiciliar com ênfase nos riscos de infecção. [Doctoral Thesis]. Ribeirão Preto: Universidade de São Paulo, School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto Nursing School; 2013.

» Submission Instructions

Submission should be made through the system: with your login and password. To submit the text, ALL authors must be registered in the Infection Prevention and Health Journal, and all information must be correctly filled in the submission metadata. It is necessary to attach the copyright transfer declaration, as well as the other supplementary documents.

» Language Review

As of January 2017, REPIS started to require translation of manuscripts into English. This measure aims to increase the visibility of the Journal as well as its indexing in reputable databases. Selected works will be informed once approved, and translation must be arranged by the authors. REPIS works with specific companies that provide discounts of up to 40% for the Journal.

» Processing Fees

REPIS does not charge a submission or manuscript processing fee. However, the layout and translation of the manuscript are provided by third-party companies recommended by REPIS.

» Frequency

The journal adopts the continuous publication system (rolling pass), widely used abroad. This measure speeds up the publication of articles, not depending on other articles to close an issue.

» Similarity Assessment

REPIS supports good research practices and editorial ethics, and based on this, submits texts to similarity assessment through Turnitin software. We request that sections with similarity above 2% be reworked. Similarity analysis is done quantitatively and qualitatively.

Attention: Cases of plagiarism and self-plagiarism will be analyzed by the REPIS Editorial Board for decision on penalties, which may include prohibition from submitting to the journal for a period of 6 to 24 months. Authors will have access to the similarity report.

Attention: Cases related to similarity with Theses, Dissertations, papers published in event proceedings, and derivatives from the same author are not considered plagiarism.

» Pre-Print Repositories

REPIS accepts manuscripts previously published in pre-non-comercial print repositories.

» Open Access

This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, ensuring that its content is open access.

Privacy Policy Edit Edit Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Contact Edit Edit Contact

Federal University of Piauí - UFPI
Minister Petrônio Portella University Campus
Ininga Neighborhood - Teresina/PI
ZIP code: 64049-550

Main Contact

Prof. Dr. Maria Eliete Batista Moura

Federal University of Piauí

Technical Support Contact

REPIS Secretariat

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.